Subtle Soft Lavender

Even though this isn't one of those glamourous smokey eyes or bright bold catchy looks, I find that the subtlety of this makeup just as mesmerizing (or maybe it's because the model has beautiful blue eyes haha). I think this is a perfect look for the spring and summer; especially since colours and pastels are such a big trend in fashion this season, you can bring it to your eyes as well! I actually know what outfit I'd wear with this look and how i'd do my hair already.....if only Vancouver weather would stop being so nasty and bipolar! lol Anyways, let's get started shall we? :)

Step 1: Apply an eyeshadow primer and then top it with a white cream base to enhance the eyeshadow colours.

Step 2: Taking a shader brush, apply a shimmery silver white eyeshadow to the inner corner to brighten up the eyes.

Step 3: Flip your shader brush onto it's side and apply a silver gray blue color to the outer corner and blend it in towards the center of the lid.

Step 4: Apply a dusty pastel blue color to the center of the lids and blend it in with outer and inner corner colours

Step 5: If you have a subtle lavender shade go right ahead and blend it into the crease with a crease brush, start at the outer most corner of the eyes (where the silver blue shade ends) and blend it up to the crease. Since I personally don't have a lavender shade I mixed 3 different colors to get the color I want.

Step 6: take a medium gunmetal shade and apply it to your lower lash line, start at the outer corner and gradually fade it in towards the tear ducts but only going 2/3 of the way in.

Step 7: To get that pop of purple color, again - since I'm lacking in the purple eyeshadow department, I dabbed my flat shader brush in 2 different colors (from my Urban Decay Deluxe Box palette) and applied it on top of the shimmery white shade as well as the inner tear ducts but not connecting them together because you want the shimmery white to still be present but have that pop of color at the same time.

gradually fade into the crease but the color should 
not extend too much into the center of the eye
gradually blend the purple into the gunmetal shade

Step 8: I then applied a thin line of black eyeliner and tight lined my upper waterline to give definition to the eyes. Preferably you just tight line but since I have monolids I needed the extra "oomph" of definition lol. I also curled my lashes and applied mascara.

Step 9: Highlight your browbone with a matte white color and bring the colour down to blend out any harsh edges you have (there shouldn't be much since the colors are so soft but, just in case you do :) )

Step 10: Apply white eyeliner to your waterline and gently set it with a white eyeshadow using the small flat shader brush.

Step 11: If you have pathetic lashes like I do haahaha, you can apply a pair of natural looking falsies - nothing dramatic because this is suppose to be a subtle look. And voila! You're finished! :D

Dusty Pastel Blue for the center of the lid
I've circled the shadows that i've used for this look, if you want a better look at the 
shadows or labels click on the picture to enlarge it :) For the "crease mix" I basically dabbed 
my brush gently in 3 different colours (as labelled a, b, c) and applied it to the crease for the 
soft lavender.
Mix Fishnet and Ransom together for the pop of purple

Products Used
  • ELF Mineral Eyeshadow Primer
  • NYX Jumbo Eye Pencil in Milk
  • Coastal Scents 88 Warm Palette
  • Urban Decay Deluxe Shadow Box
  • Pastel Blue and Purple Eyeshadow Duo - no name/brand
  • Bobbi Brown Corrector in Light Peach
  • NYC Translucent Setting Powder
  • Maybelline The Falsies Mascara (Original)
  • Daiso Natural False Lashes (as seen from here)
  • NYX Powder Blush in Taupe (Contour)
  • Maybelline Mineral Power Blush in Original Rose
  • Make Up Forever Full Cover Concealer 
  • Revlon Super Lustrous Lipstick in Just Enough Buff (all over lips) and Primrose (center of lips)
  • Revlon Super Lustrous Lip Gloss in Life's A Peach


  1. Great tutorial! I just found your blog, and I'm so glad I did! I love when I find makeup tutorial blogs by asian girls, because when it comes to doing eye makeup with shadows I am totally lost without you all!! What I mean to say is, I've followed you and look forward to reading your posts =).
    Come check out my blog if you'd like! Hope you'll follow me, too =D.

    <3 <3

    1. Awww thank you so much!! haha I hope my tutorials help you out :) I'll definitely come and check out your blog. Thanks for following love! <3333

  2. Sigh I know right? Raincouver really sucks sometime! Those pastel colors have been so trendy but I never thought of using it on my eyes! Thanks for the tutorial. Will deffs try it out :)

    1. let me know how it goes after you try it! Thanks for reading! :)

  3. Such a lovely tutorial you have here hun. The colours are so very pretty!!^__^ I really need to get myself eyeshadow palettes~

    1. Thank you!! ^^; After doing this look, I realized I need more purple eyeshadows, what a perfect excuse to buy more makeup hahaha XD


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