Midnight Skies in Vegas

This is one of my favourite night time partying looks that I've created a while back but didn't do a tutorial on it until now. I know we're far from summer nights at the moment, but this was where I got my inspiration from. I'm longing for those clear, warm summer nights where you can lift your head and gaze at the stars shining down on you. Hopeless romantic? yes, I am haha :P

Anyways, for this particular look I don't recommend applying any foundation or concealer beforehand. Since we're dealing with glitter, you'll definitely have a lot of fall out under the eyes and it will stick to your face if you have any on. So just have a non-oil based makeup remover handy and wipe off the fall outs after doing your eye make up and then apply your foundation & concealer. There is another way....which is applying a ton of loose powder under the eyes to catch the fall outs and then sweeping it off with a brush. But personally speaking (and by experience), powdery eyeshadow just likes to dance under the eyes whereas glitter likes to party all over your face lol so loose powder may not always effectively sweep off all your fall outs. Now with that note aside.....Let's get started!

Step 1: As usual, start off with an eyeshadow primer of your choice and then proceed to applying a black cream colour base all over the lids to enhance the intensity of your eyeshadow colours. Blend it out evenly with your finger and don't fret if it's not perfect, because you're gonna go over it with eyeshadow.

Step 2: Gently pack on an aqua blue eyeshadow about two-thirds of the way - packing it on will give you a more intense and concentrated color.

Step 3: Flip your shader brush to the other side and dip it into a black eyeshadow - apply it on the outer corner (the remaining one-third of the eye that you left out). Start from the out to in, so that the outer most corner is the darkest and gradually blends and fades in with the aqua blue.

Step 4: Using a clean crease/blending brush, blend out the black eyeshadow so you have a smooth transition from black to blue (or vice versa).

Step 5: Use a fluffier blending brush and apply a pink magenta color to the crease/eye socket. Blending it in with the blue and black eyeshadow will also remove any harsh edges that the eyeshadows may have previously on the top edge.

Step 6: Dip your smudger brush into the aqua blue and apply it to the inner third of the lower lash line and tear ducts. Because the aqua blue is a bright enough color already, you don't need to apply a separate/different highlighting colour to your tear ducts to brighten up the eyes (unless you really want to...then that's fine as well haha :P)

Step 6: Dip your smudger brush into the black eyeshadow and apply it to the remaining two-thirds of the lower lash line and blending it into the blue. Remember to connect it up to your outer corner so you don't have a funny gap between your upper and lower lash line :)

Step 7: apply a matte white shadow to highlight your browbone (you don't want a shimmery one because we want the glitter to be the main focus of the light) and blend it down with the magenta colour.

Step 8: Squeeze a small amount of glitter base/glue onto the eyes so that the glitter will adhere to your lids. Concentrate and smooth it out with your finger only on the aqua blue portion of the lids.

Step 9: Dab the tip of your brush lightly into the glitter and pack it on the lids - do not sweep because you don't want a lot of fall out under your eyes and make your face look like a disco ball!

Step 10: Line your eyes with a black liquid liner, curl your lashes, put on mascara and apply falsies. For this look you definitely need false lashes to complete the drama hehe. And then you're finished!

I hope you guys enjoyed this look as much as I did! I love glitter and I hope you do too hehe have fun if you decide to try it out! Be sure to let me know how it goes :D

This picture isn't really doing the glitter justice because of the light, it's much more sparkly
and eye catching in real life! Just believe me & take my word for it hahaha
Urban Decay Deluxe Box - the only colours I've used for this tutorial (with the exception
of the matte white highlight color)
I love, Love, LOVE this glitter!! it's so pretty *_* Not only is this a gorgeous colour, but it's 
also very versatile - it's perfect for almost any smokey eye that you want to glam up! 

Products Used
  • Urban Decay Eyeshadow Primer Potion 
  • NYX Jumbo Pencil in Black Bean
  • Urban Decay Deluxe Box palette
  • NYX Eyeshadow Trio in TS01 (matte white)
  • Too Faced Shadow Insurance Glitter Glue
  • NYX Sparkling Glitter Powder in Las Vegas
  • Dolly Wink Black Liquid Eyeliner
  • Maybelline The Falsies Mascara
  • Daiso Glitter False Lashes (as seen from here)
  • Bobbi Brown Corrector in Light Peach
  • Make Up Forever Concealer 
  • NYC Translucent Powder
  • ELF Studio Bronzer in Warm
  • NYX Powder Blush in Angel
  • Rimmel Moisture Renew Lipstick in Nude Delight


  1. Gorgeous look! Really shimmery jewel-tone colours and the glitter makes it really festive and special. But I know what you mean about fall out, makes things a little tricky to have to clean up :p Good tip with doing the base after the eye makeup.

  2. Great look!

    New follower!

    1. Thanks! And thank you so much for following!! <333

  3. Thank you! That means a lot to me! <3 I'll be swinging by to check out your blog right now :) hehe

  4. ah! you're so pretty my dear! i love your look <3

  5. Beautiful! Hahaha I'm a hopeless romantic as well :)
    The eye look is so pretty, but like most smokey eyes, I doubt I could pull this off with my uneven eyelids :P That's why I've pretty much stuck with eyeliner look all through high school.

    I am a proud new follower of your blog! Would you like to follow me back?


    1. awww don't worry - falsies always make things better, they make my monolids into double lids! Since both my eyes are monolids I can never seem to find a way to do eye makeup that is satisfying for me to walk out of the house sigh lol.

      Thanks for following I'll come check your blog out soon!


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